Monday, November 8, 2010


Prediction: 55. Rain. So, we wore five layers of clothing, unfurled the brollies, and headed out. St. Mark's had about a foot of water on it from the acqua alta (no pigeons), so queued up on one the narrow wooden walkways. Two American tourists with huge suit cases barely made it out past the incoming line without tumbling in.

The Questura
Brunetti's Street
View from Falier Palazzo
Our goal for the day was mainly to wander and get lost, but we did have various sites mentioned in our Donna Leon mystery series that we thought we might check out. By day's end, we'd visited the questura where Commissario Brunetti had his office, the street where he probably lived, and a grand house (now the Ca' Rezzonico museum) where his wife's parents, Count and Contessa Falier, lived. This took us through four of the six sestiere in the city and over untold numbers of bridges.

Like Brunetti, we were swept along by the tides of tourists (with umbrellas and some with plastic overshoes), and we paused often to admire buildings and architectural details, such as a gargoyle that Bob challenged. We'd barely made breakfast at our hotel, having slept almost eleven hours, so for lunch we split a prosciutto and mushroom sandwich, a bottle of water and a bag of potato chips (6 E including chips and water), which we ate in Campo San Polo. By then, the rain had let up and the sun even came out briefly.

Our Hotel:

Hotel Alle Guglie
Our hotel is the white sign in the middle
Front Entrance