Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day! May Day!

Like much of the world, France celebrates May Day. It's
like our Labor Day, only more so. It's a day off, but it's often a day of protest. So it was only fitting that our walk brought us first to a May Day march. A flyer called for the creation of a 6th Republic in France, one that is for people, not bankers. 

All those in favor were encouraged to join others on May 5th to march to the Bastille in Paris. (One slight problem is that the Bastille no longer exists.) And Bordeaux being such a clean city had a group of street cleaners (who did not have the day off) follow the marchers to pick up trash.

Our next stop was the Jardin Public (1755), which includes a small botanical section with all the plantings labeled. Then we wandered toward the river front, where we discovered a large open air antique and flea market in full swing. There we split a ham and cheese 
panini while listening to four musicians play 'La Vie en Rose,' 'Hello Dolly' and other traditional French favorites.

Rain began to fall more heavily as we continued along the waterfront where our umbrellas were less hazardous for other pedestrians. 

We passed the beautiful Place de la Bourse with its 18th century commercial buildings and discovered the Porte Cailhau  that was built to celebrate the famous Franey victory of Fornoue in 1495.