Sunday, March 23, 2014


S P R I N G   2 0 1 4                Barcelona to Oslo

Apr 6 - 20:  Holland America, Nieuw Amsterdam, Fort Lauderdale to Barcelona
Horta (Portugal), Gibralta (Britian),
Motil, Alicante, Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
Apr 21 - 24:  Prague, Czech Republic
Apr 25 - 28:  Vienna, Austria
Apr 29 - May 1:  Budapest, Hungary
May 2-3:  Oslo, Norway

While the Russian bear continues to make threatening noises in the Ukraine, we'll be signaling our support of the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary this April/May.

After rushing to Fort Lauderdale, we'll catch a two-week cruise to Barcelona. From there, we'll fly to Prague and work our way down to Vienna and Budapest. That should give the Russians pause. On our way home, we'll fly Norwegian Air, which stops in Oslo, where we'll visit our nephew and his family for a couple of days before returning to Tucson via New York.

See the map above for our route in case our boat, planes, buses, or trains mysteriously disappear. You can then alert officials where to search. However, do not expect blog entries during our time at sea. We should begin around Easter-time (April 20th).