Friday, April 12, 2013


   What's next, you may ask? It's France/England in April/May. Shorter than our recent trips and much more low-key: flight to London, flight to France, a driving tour through small towns in southern France, a train to Paris, the Chunnel to London.

Apr 18 ---------- Fly to London
Apr 20 ---------- Fly to Carcassonne
Apr 20-22 ------ Mazamet
Apr 23-25 -------Crayssac
Apr 26-28 -------Mauzac
Apr 29-May 1 -- Bordeaux
May 2-4 --------- Paris
May 5-8 --------- London
May 9 ----------- Fly home

   Surprise! No cruise included! But we should be blogging. So stay tuned...

One caveat:  we will not be traveling with our netbook. This time we'll both have our 7" tablets so blogging may be tricky until we test out all the new technology. Time will tell if we ever figure out how to get pictures from the camera to the tablets! No matter, we should always have access to email.