Thursday, April 24, 2014


We began our sight-seeing with a tour of Vysehrad, the oldest fortified area in the City, dating back to the 11th Century. 

It is now a large park overlooking the river, and has great views in both directions including one of the Castle and the Charles

Bridge. There's a church there, of course, with a cemetery where many famous Czech people are buried. Since it was a warm spring day, lots of people were wandering about. 

After a leisurely lunch at a restaurant with an outdoor garden (and a chance to photograph Stew to show how well his wounds are healing!),we also wandered up-river past Frank Gehry's famous “Dancing House,” a fascinating modern statement of some sort. I sort of liked it, but Bob wasn't so sure. Because it was such a beautiful spring day with tulips and lilacs in bloom, we continued our wandering up our side of the river to our hotel.