Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Ich bin ein Berliner. Nicht! 

But only when it rains as hard as it did this morning. By the time that Karin left to visit her sister for a few days in Hanover, it began to let up, so we walked a couple of miles from our hotel to Charlottenburg Palace.
Charlottenburg Palace
Our route there took us through what seemed like an up and coming part of the City; the one on our route back seemed down and going. Our goal had been to get a sense of this part of town, and we did.

Everyone told us to skip the palace but stroll through the gardens. The former is in need of repair, and the latter in need of weeding. Sad.

We did stop at two museums near the palace. The Brohan had some art deco rooms and crafts on display, while the Scharf-Gersternberg Collection had around 250 works of Surrealists. The former we found mildly interesting, while the latter were dark and depressing. The Berggruen Museum with lots of paintings by Picasso and Matisse was closed for repair.

Tomorrow we fly to Frankfurt to stay overnight before our flight home on Thursday. And so begins...or ends...our current travels.