Wednesday, May 23, 2012


May 22.
The predicted rain arrived, but between showers, Gary managed to make a couple of purchases and we all got to use the umbrellas we lugged all this way. Our final day in Sorrento was a quiet, down day. Needed to rest and pack for our next-day trips.

May 23.
   We all took the Circumsuviana (subway) train from Sorrento to Naples. Then we took the Trenitalia line to Rome. Bob & Stew got off in Rome and Gary stayed on the train to Chiusi.
   Gary will meet up with Alberto, an old friend, and spend a week in Sienna before heading back to Tucson. We head home to Tucson on Thursday morning. Arrived at our B&B in time for a late lunch and gelato and a stroll around the neighborhood between the Termini and the Colosseum. We'd never explored this area of Rome, but discovered we hadn't missed much. Tomorrow calls for an early departure for the airport and a long flight home. Taxi picks us up at 7 (the B&B doesn't even start breakfast until 8!).
More when we get home.