Friday, May 18, 2012

May 17. Sorrento
Our Room - No English Speaking TV
   Just walked around town today, but since Bob forgot his camera, there's no visual record of the trip. Sunny, but on the chilly side in the wind off Naples Bay. Town pleasant, but lots of tourists.
   Our B&B rates highly on TripAdvisor, but it is difficult to match the reviews with our reality. Things have been far less than impressive. “Adequate” is the term that comes to mind.
View from our balcony

Bay of Naples from our balcony

May 18 Day Trip to Amalfi.
Cemetery on the hill - Amalfi
   Took the bus to Amalfi. It was crowded, but we had seats from which we could enjoy the views and hold our breath as we looked at the thousand foot drops to the sea. Since we were running late, we decided to skip Ravello. Stew was disappointed, since he remembered it so fondly, but we later heard that people who did go up there could not catch a bus back down to Amalfi, since there was a three or four hour bus strike in the afternoon.

Approach to Sorrento from the sea

In place of the crowded bus back to Sorrento, we took a half-empty ferry, which made the trip in half an hour less time. Italy...what can we say? The crowds of tourists did lessen the pleasure of the trip, but the place is still as beautiful as we remembered it being when we were here in November twelve years ago.