Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Finally, Sorrento and ONLINE!

May 13 Barcelona
    Having been here for almost a week only a year ago, and it being a Sunday so the shops were closed, we did not do much except stroll up the Rambla to the hotel where the Kesslers had stayed and back down parallel streets to the ship—about three hours.
    As before, we were awed by the beauty of the city—its amazing buildings and broad boulevards—but having documented all this so fully last time, Bob did not take a single photo. Something for which he duly apologizes. (But if you look at earlier entries on the blog, the photos from a year ago may still be there!)

May 14. Villefranche

Villefranche from the ship
    This little village on the French Riviera is only 3 miles east of Nice, where we visited the Chagall Museum. I (Stew) was not impressed. By the time we were through, it was getting cold and we were hungry, so we skipped the Matisse Museum (next time--next spring!) and headed back to the ship. 
   We stopped on the way to the train station to have a small sandwich from a sidewalk vendor. All three of us chose a Croc Messieur. A big mistake. Though the sandwich was tasty, the vendor could only heat one-at-a-time...and even then the insides were still icy! Gary had to have his heated 3 separate times before the vendor got the message. Sometimes the simplest things go wrong the most!

May 15. Livorno

   We decided to take it somewhat easy and not try to go to Lucca or Pisa. Instead, we wandered around Livorno...which we found was more of a small city than the sleepy seaport we expected. It was a good half hour's walk from the shuttle bus depot to the Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori in the Villa Mimbelli and not too easy to find, but worth the effort. Built in the late 19th century, it has two floors of heavily decorated rooms where the Mimbelli family lived and entertained. On these and a third floor are paintings by a local, late 19th and early 20th century artist (Fattori) and some of his contemporaries. They evolve from realistic scenes to more impressionist ones.
After, we wandered around an open air market, had a light lunch and a gelato, and made it back to the ship in plenty of time to pack for the next day's early departure for Sorrento. Weather was sunny and beautiful. We really lucked out here.

May 16. Sorrento
    It was a  very hard day. We started from the ship at 7:30 am and took a train to Naples and then a local from there to Sorrento. The latter was like a NYC subway at rush hour! There was literally no room for another person in the area near the doors. I (Stew) ended up standing the entire way (just over an hour) guarding the luggage. Arriving about 3:00 pm, the total travel time ship to B&B over seven hours. 
   The B&B is just outside of town up a steep hill, and quite basic. Dinner, though, was at a local Italian place ("Da Filippo" recommended by by the B&B owner) with incredible food and wine. We treated ourselves, having earned it. Food prices are very much higher than in the US!

Note:  We are back online regularly with the B&B having Wi-Fi service. Starting tomorrow we should update the blog regularly and actually get to answer emails! What a novel idea!