Saturday, May 12, 2012


   Finally found the Cybercafe in Mallorca. It was very difficult.

   After eight days at sea, it was good to see land, even though they lowered the gangplank directly under our window way before wake-up time.
Tenerife - from the ship
   Tenerife, the largest of the seven Canary Islands and part of Spain, lies about 180 miles off the coast of Morocco. It has Mt. Teide, Spain's highest mountain and the world's third largest volcano, but we just wandered around Santa Cruz, the largest city on any of the islands. The total population of the islands is around 900,000, but they entertain around 5 million tourists a year, most from Europe.
   We did visit the city's major art museum, which boasts one poor painting by Breughel and not much else, and a couple of parks in need of cleaning up. A stop at a hotel with a slow but free internet connection allowed Bob to post some of this blog, but not all of its photos. We had no time to read our email. Later he found out that Microsoft was trying—at the same time and in the background—to download 21 “important” updates—this after he'd loaded lots more “important” updates just before we left home. Since then, he has turned off the automatic update option! Better luck two days from now in Mallorca.
Our Stateroom #3542
   Just a note on our accommodations. We have a tiny stateroom with a large window; Gary, who booked later, has, by comparison, a gigantic stateroom for a disabled person. He's far from disabled but enjoys all the extra space.


Beautiful day. Took the ship's shuttle into downtown and toured the Cathedral and then the Royal Palace. After that, we walked up to the 'Gaudi' buildings and through the shopping area. A slow walk down Paseo de Born (very much like Barcelona's Las Ramblas) we then took the shuttle back to the ship for lunch at 1 pm.

NOTE: We will most likely not be online until we are in Sorrento on May 17th. Carrying the computer all around is really a drag...