Sunday, May 20, 2012



May 19.
   A down-day. Gary did some laundry, we did some errands, took naps and didn't do much else. Town jammed with tourists...on weekends tourists from other parts of the coast come to Sorrento and add to the horde of multi-national tourists already buzzing about. Like us!
   After breakfast, headed in town to gather information about our planned trip to Capri tomorrow. We will need to walk to town, take a bus down to the port and then ride a ferry out to Capri. Since we want a somewhat early start, we wanted to know where to go to catch the port bus. Took some asking around, but got the information.
Da Filippo
   Stopped for a light lunch and—yet another—gelato. Bob's fatigue syndrome is acting up so sleeping was in order before heading out to dinner.
"Our Waiter"...Salvatore
   Our first night here we went to Da Filippo for dinner and really enjoyed the food and the atmosphere. Tried a different place in town on the second night and found it lacking...and more expensive. Last night, we went back to Da Filippo with two other guests from the B&B. Da Filippo is our nearest restaurant, and since we are on a hill, walking back and forth is a consideration...and a climb. Tonight, with it being a Saturday, we are heading back there a little earlier to avoid the crowds. Like many restaurants in Italy, they don't open until 7 and serve until midnight. (Much too late for us old folks!)

May 20. 
Correale Museo
   We'd planned to go to Capri and visit the Villa San Michele, but when Stew checked its web site, he found that it said it was closed on Sunday. So, instead of an early start, we hung around the hotel until after nine, when Raffaele, our host, called them. Oh no. We're open. No problem. But by then, it was getting too late, and we'd heard horror stories about the hoards of tourists there, especially on weekends, so, we postponed the trip. Instead, we visited the Correale Museum, a four story villa donated to the City in 1924 by a couple of wealthy brothers. It houses mostly art and artifacts from the local area including 19th and early 20th century painting, exquisite inlaid furniture, ceramics, etc. No photos allowed. However, the views of the Bay of Naples from the upper floors are stunning, although today the far shores were shrouded in mist as the sky clouded over.
   Here are some views of Sorrento looking back from a hotel balcony:

Frank, Colleen, Gary, Bob & Stew
   Had dinner again with our Canadian 
friends from the B&B...Colleen and Da Filippo. Got there early expecting a big bruhaha because tonight was the final for the Italian Soccer Cup...Naples versus Juventus. Naples just won in a 2 – 0 victory. Fireworks have been going off outside our room. Can't blame them. 

   Think this is the first time Naples has won the Cup!

   By the way...interesting sign in our bathroom. I direct your attention to Rule Number 2...especially those of us from Arizona!